
Testosterone The Big Deal For Both Men & Women

Ever heard of testosterone ‘T’? It’s a hormone that’s super important for keeping our bodies in good shape. Lots of folks think it’s just for men, but surprise! It’s crucial for both men and women. As a doctor who cares a lot about wellness, I’ve noticed more people in Malaysia are learning about how vital… Continue reading Testosterone The Big Deal For Both Men & Women

Unlocking the Power of Vitamin D: Beyond Strong Bones

Vitamin D: It’s not just about bones; it’s a health superhero! This essential nutrient wears many hats, from supporting the immune system to influencing mood and potentially aiding in weight management. Join us on a journey to explore the multifaceted roles of vitamin D beyond its traditional association with bone health. 1. Immune System Support:… Continue reading Unlocking the Power of Vitamin D: Beyond Strong Bones

Nutrientomics: Decoding the Relationship Between Deficiencies and Cravings

Unravel the connection between nutrient deficiencies and cravings. Explore why your body may seek specific foods and how to address these imbalances for better health. Our body’s cravings for certain foods can sometimes be an indicator of underlying nutrient deficiencies. When we lack essential nutrients, our body might signal us to eat specific foods in… Continue reading Nutrientomics: Decoding the Relationship Between Deficiencies and Cravings

Is reversing diabetes possible by just reducing sugar? Strange!

Often I come across patients with Type 2 Diabetes, where initially their condition was controlled with medication. Still, eventually, they had to increase their medication to the point of needing insulin injections. Why does this happen? First, let’s understand what diabetes is. Diabetes is a chronic disease where there is an excess of sugar in… Continue reading Is reversing diabetes possible by just reducing sugar? Strange!

Insulin & The Missing Link In Chronic Disease

Insulin resistance is a condition in which the body’s cells become resistant to the hormone insulin, which is produced by the pancreas and helps to regulate blood sugar levels. When the body becomes insulin resistant, it can no longer effectively use insulin to move glucose into cells for energy, leading to high blood sugar levels.… Continue reading Insulin & The Missing Link In Chronic Disease

Kunci utama untuk turunkan berat badan – Insulin

Kenapa berat badan naik? Obesity dan overweight boleh menyebabkan banyak penyakit metabolik seperti diabetes, darah tinggi, dan penyakit jantung. Ramai yang telah cuba low-fat diet, ada yang bersenam hari-hari, ada yang mengamalkan diet kalori rendah, tetapi tak menjadi. Senaman hanya memberi hasil yang sementara dan kurang efektif. Low-fat diet (diet kurang lemak) yang di amalkan… Continue reading Kunci utama untuk turunkan berat badan – Insulin


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